Saturday, April 27, 2013

Wake up in the morning and I ask myself

Went out the other night with Brandon, his coworker and a couple of his old friends from school. Mostly lots of alcohol and awkward conversation but on the ride home we had an amazing cab driver who was Ukrainian and kept a bongo drum in his cab. I don't know if you've ever drummed to 2pacs changes, but i definitely just did.

Monday, April 15, 2013

swim suit hell

Only one more week until i get a weekend off to relax and hang out with my best friends! i am kind of bummed i didnt request at least one more day off with it but i am grateful for it nonetheless. I officially watched all of Breaking Bad and i highly recommend it to anyone who hasnt watched! shockingly, my father was the one who suggested the show to me and i am shocked at how much i enjoyed it.

Went shopping today and it was rather unsuccessful :( I had been looking forward to my day off to finally go and find a swim suit etc but i (stupidly) decided to go out for drinks last night and surprise surprise drank too much, ate too much and woke up hungover. So i wasnt exactly in the best of shape to be trying on swimsuits and just depressing myself. I think im going to need to shell out the dough and get one of those swim suits from Victoria's Secret that actually sizes to their bra size. Just spending $50 on half a swim suit is absurd to me, hopefully it will last me 10 years haha